
On homosexuality, our actions speak the loudest

Comments on the issue of homosexuality made by Southern Seminary President Al Mohler have been a hot topic recently. Having listened carefully to his comments several times and then read his explanation of those comments in Baptist Press, I must confess I’m a little mystified. The views he expressed seemed perfectly consistent with his previous[…]


The challenges ahead

The Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in Orlando will mark the third year since the establishment of the Southern Baptist Gender Issues office. While we have seen some significant gains, the road before us is filled with challenges. Too often we hear of the church’s failure to effectively address the issue of homosexuality. A LifeWay[…]


Do they know we care?

“It’s just a choice,” the respected pastor said to me confidently when I told him that God had led me to minister to people struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction. While I was surprised and saddened to hear this from an experienced pastor, it also reminded me of the great need among our churches to be[…]


Same-sex attraction: Just a choice?

“It’s just a choice,” the respected pastor said to me confidently when I told him that God had led me to minister to people struggling with unwanted same-sex attraction. While I was surprised and saddened to hear this from an experienced pastor, it also reminded me of the great need among our churches to be[…]


Conversations at the SBC

“Could I talk to you?” Those who have served in the booth for the Convention’s Task Force on Ministry to Homosexuals have heard this question many times. This year was no exception. In fact, during this year’s meeting in Louisville, we heard this not only from those who “happened” upon our booth, but also from[…]